Hard rocker Rob Zombie does not seem like the suburban homeowner who wants the kids in the neighborhood to keep the noise down.
That’s why his family’s request at the annual town meeting in Woodbury, Conn., is getting some widespread attention.
Rob Zombie, also known for movies like “House of the 1000 Corpses,” lives in the small Litchfield County town in antique row and the skate park right nearby is apparently too noisy.
When the town held the annual budget meeting last month, Zombie’s wife, Sheri, attended on behalf of her neighbors and asked if the skate park could be moved because it has “is proved to be a significant noise pollutant.” she said, according to the minutes.
She told town leaders this has reduced the quality of life for the three families nearby.
“There are only three of four homes affected by it, but now that summer’s here and the windows are open, I hear it inside my house, which is the further point away from the park and there’s something that has got to be done,” she said, according to the minutes.
Some blogs picked up the story, noting the irony of the noise complaint coming from the family of the man who is headlining the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival.
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This prompted Zombie to respond, insisting that he and his wife do not hate skaters or children.
“It seems nuts to even have to address this but I guess I will. Some really crazy articles have popped up making claims about "hating skaters" and "hating children." None of this is true and it makes me sick that someone would print such lies.
“There is a simple matter going on in which we are trying to find a solution that will make EVERYBODY happy. Unfortunately someone decided to turn it into a whole ugly event. What a bummer," Zombie posted on his Facebook page.
Mrs. Zombie said she and the other neighbors were never notified that the skate park would be built near their houses and affects to mitigate the noise have not worked.
Town officials said this was the first they’d heard of the problem and it would be referred to the selectmen and parks and recreation.