Exclusive “Iron Man 2” Clip Shows Sam Rockwell Really Is an Odd Bird


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It might lead to bitter debates, but you could make a strong arguement that Sam Rockwell stole the show in "Iron Man 2" as twisted billionaire adversary Justin Hammer. That's no easy thing to do when it's being stolen from the solid, iron clutches of Robert Downey Jr.

But Rockwell was just so watchable, and, well just so fantastically odd for a bad-guy. And this clip from the Sept. 28 DVD and Blu-Ray release of the movie shows that oddness carries over after the movie cameras stop rolling.

This behind-the-scene footage shows Rockwell in the airport hanger (Van Nuys, not really France) when he meets and hires the villain played by Mickey Rourke.

Even off (movie) camera, Rockwell acts like the billionaire eccentric who wears his napkin in his suit at dinner he plays onscreen

Rockwell even breaks into a Christopher Walken impression.

As for the constant changes on the movie which was marked with script revision after script revision (in part to keep up with Robert Downey Jr.'s mad ad-libbing), Rockwell seemed to be taking it in stride.

"Everything's changing," he says. "I'm changing my sexual preference on this movie."

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