Arbitator: Michael Brown Facebook Post No Cause to Fire Elgin Police Officer

The officer allegedly wrote that Missouri police officer Darren Wilson "did society a favor" by killing Brown

An arbitrator has ruled that a Chicago suburb didn't have just cause to fire a police officer over comments he posted on Facebook regarding the fatal shooting Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

The Elgin Courier-News reports that the decision means Elgin Police Officer Jason A. Lentz is to be reinstated.

Lentz allegedly wrote that Missouri police officer Darren Wilson "did society a favor" by killing Brown. Elgin officials, at the time, said his comments undercut the city's credibility.

Lentz was the first Elgin officer to be placed on administrative leave. It marked the fourth time that Lentz had his police powers stripped of an official action, according to information received through a FOIA request.

In his decision, Arbitrator Aaron Wolff says the city and police department violated a collective bargaining agreement by releasing confidential information about Lentz while the investigation was pending.

But, Wolff added, Lentz had violated the department's social media guidelines by commenting on Ferguson, and concluded it warranted a six-month suspension.

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