Public Inspection File Help
Persons with disabilities who need assistance with issues relating to the content of our online Public Inspection File should contact susan.solano@nbcuni.com.
Questions or concerns relating to the accessibility of the FCC's online public file system should be directed to the FCC at 888-225-5322, 888-835-5322 (TTY), or fccinfo@fcc.gov.
Closed Captioning Questions or Issues
Who can I contact with questions about Closed Captioning?
To report an issue or concern regarding closed captioning made available by the station either for broadcast programming or televised online content, please contact us at terry.smith@nbcuni.com or 954-622-6502.
Please detail your issue or concern by providing the following information:
• Name of the program
• Description of the issue (e.g., missing captions on a particular episode, captions cut off, timing is off)
• If watching on a television, please provide the name of your pay TV provider
• If watching online or on a mobile device, please provide the website or application where you viewed the program
• Approximate time and date that the issue occurred
• Your name and contact information including mailing address, email and phone number
Closed Captioning for Online and Mobile Videos
Television programming made available through online browsers and mobile apps offering closed captioning will feature a closed captioning icon in the player controls. Just tap to enable or disable. If the icon is not displaying on a mobile device, follow the directions below to turn on closed captioning within the device OS settings.
Customizing Closed Captioning on a Mobile Device
For iOS, the Accessibility settings are located under the Settings icon on the iPhone homescreen, then choose General, Accessibility, Subtitles & Captioning.
For Android, the Accessibility settings are located under Settings, then choose My Device, and then Accessibility. The Accessibility features are available under this Accessibility screen.
You may customize the display of closed captioning including changing the size, font, color, and styling. These customization options are available by accessing the device OS settings for iOS and Android and then selecting the desired options from the menu.
Written Complaints
Written complaints concerning closed captioning made available by the station either for broadcast programming or televised online content may be sent to:
Margaret Tobey
Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs
300 New Jersey Ave., NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001-2030