Parkland school shooting

Watch Live: Parkland School Shooter Sentencing Hearing

A jury of seven men and five women are deciding whether Cruz should get the death penalty for killing 17 people in the 2018 shooting at Stoneman Douglas

Deciding the Death Penalty – The Sentencing Trial of Nikolas Cruz

Watch live from the courtroom as the sentencing for Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz ends more than four years after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

A jury of seven men and five women decided Cruz should get life in prison for killing 17 people in the 2018 shooting at Stoneman Douglas.

Opening statements and witness testimony began July 18 for the death penalty trial, which took just over two months.

Cruz, now 24, pleaded guilty in October to 17 counts of first-degree murder and 17 counts of attempted murder in the shooting.

NBC 6 will be streaming the Parkland school shooter sentencing in this article whenever court is in progress.

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