A Jamaican comedian is hoping the public can help find a thief who stole some important items out of his Fort Lauderdale hotel room.
His colorful and energetic satire will leave you in stitches, but what happened to Keith Ramsey, better known as Shebada, was no laughing matter.
"Things do happen and you're not special that nothing can't happen to you," he told NBC 6.
Shebada and his crew were performing in Miramar, in their traveling play's new comedy called "Bangarang," when someone got into his hotel room and stole his money and some personal belongings.
"Someone was walking through the hallway checking room doors and his door was ajar and they went to his room and stole his passport, Social Security and his keys for his vehicle back home and his home," entertainment consultant Garnett Newman said.
The crime happened at a Ramada Inn off State Road 7 just north of Commercial Boulevard. Newman said the crime left Shebada troubled, but not for long.
"He flipped it real quick and in fact on the next show he incorporated something about it in the play," Newman said.
"You must embrace all your failures as you must embrace all your risings so when things like this happen you must go on and further your dreams," Shebada said.
While an investigation is underway, Shebada is not letting it get him down that he has to stay in the United States for a few extra days. He plans to put on another performance.
In the meantime, if you know anything about the culprit responsible for taking his belongings contact Broward Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS.