Police Nab Two Teens Charged With Burglarizing a Lighthouse Point Home

Two boys, a 16-year-old and 17-year-old, are charged with burglary and grand theft of a home in Lighthouse Point, according to Police Chief Ross Licata.

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Two boys, a 16-year-old and 17-year-old, are charged with burglary and grand theft of a home in Lighthouse Point, according to Police Chief Ross Licata.

Good old-fashioned police work along with new technology nabbed two suspected burglars.

Two boys, a 16-year-old and 17-year-old, are charged with burglary and grand theft of a home in Lighthouse Point, according to Police Chief Ross Licata.

On Friday afternoon, Licata says the pair broke into a home in Lighthouse Point and stole $15,000 worth of jewelry and silverware.

What the suspects didn't know was that their vehicle, which was used to commit the alleged heists was caught by cameras all over the city.

Lighthouse Point has License Recognition cameras that record license plates numbers of all vehicles entering and leaving the city.

In the span of 15 minutes, Licata says,  that same car was recorded by a neighbors home security camera near the scene of the burglary.

"We identified who was driving the car at the time the burglary occurred. And through the criminal investigation and interview, they were able to get one of the offenders to confess to the burglary," he said.

Rewind a few hours on Friday. Two suspects matching the same description were caught on home surveillance video at a home in the Coral Ridge neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale.

That same silver 4-door vehicle was also captured on surveillance video in front of the home. The pair are seen making three attempts to get into the home. The alarm sounds and the suspects take off.

Licata said one of his sergeants saw NBC 6's report of the attempted break-in and quickly recognized the suspects in the surveillance video.

"It happened to be the same two guys who committed the burglary in Lighthouse Point on the same day, they had committed the attempted burglary in Fort Lauderdale," he said.

Fort Lauderdale Police haven't confirmed if the Coral Ridge attempted break-in and the Lighthouse Point burglary are connected. However, Dr. Todd Sawisch, the victim in the attempted break-in Coral Ridge, said he received a call from Fort Lauderdale police Tuesday morning. He was informed the suspects caught on his homes' surveillance cameras were arrested.

"It's a relief not just to us, but the entire Coral Ridge Community that police were able to apprehend these two so quickly," he said.

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