
Naked man says he's Satan, attacks woman at Hialeah apartment: Police

As the victim tried to leave, Roberlandys Peña, 26, allegedly grabbed her by the hair and forced her back inside. 

A man was arrested after police say he entered a woman’s home naked, jumped on her and said he was Satan, and that it would be her last day on Earth, according to an arrest report. 

Roberlandys Peña, 26, is the man accused of entering the victim’s home on Wednesday at a Hialeah apartment complex while she stepped out to fix her key card.

When she came back, she saw him naked and in her room, police said.   

“That man talked to me, he took me into the room, he threw me onto the bed, he wanted to choke me,” the victim, who did not want to be identified, told our sister station Telemundo 51. “He told me he was the devil, that it was my last day, that I had to die, that I was a pedophile.”

Roberlandys Peña, 26
Roberlandys Peña, 26

As she tried to leave, Peña allegedly grabbed her by the hair and forced her back inside. 

“That man… said he was my husband. He’d even taken my partner’s underwear. I screamed outside, ‘Call the police, there’s a man in my room. He’s saying he’s my husband; my husband is working, I’m here alone,’” she said. 

An arrest report states that when police got to the suspect, he was screaming, saying he didn’t do anything and that the victim was his wife and guardian angel. 

The victim said she doesn’t know Peña, but he apparently lives near her. His mother asked her not to take her son to court, the victim said.  

“She threw herself on the floor to cry,” she said. “Honestly, I can feel her pain, but I’m a victim in all of this. I could’ve died in this situation… I don’t wish ill on anyone, but I think there needs to be justice.”

Peña is accused of burglary with assault or battery.

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