More Justin Bieber Jailhouse Footage Released

Three clips, which show Bieber sitting in the jail and being escorted to his holding cell, were released by the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office Wednesday.


Officials have released additional jailhouse footage from Justin Bieber's Miami Beach arrest.

Three clips, which show Bieber sitting in the jail and being escorted to his holding cell, were released by the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office Wednesday.

Miami-Dade County Judge William Altfield ruled on the video release at a hearing Tuesday afternoon after Bieber's lawyers tried to block the release. They argued clips showing Bieber urinating into a cup for a drug test were an invasion of privacy.

Altfield said the video was public record, but said exposure of Bieber's genitalia was not relevant, so sensitive material will be blurred out.

The remaining two clips, which depict Bieber urinating, are expected to be released Thursday, according to the state attorney's office.

Prosecutors released about 10 hours of video last week. Only a few moments show Bieber, who can be seen walking unsteadily during a sobriety test.

Bieber, who turned 20 on Saturday, has pleaded not guilty to charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license following his Jan. 23 arrest.

Police said Bieber and singer Khalil Amir Sharieff were drag racing the night they were arrested. Bieber cursed repeatedly at police and acknowledged smoking marijuana, drinking and taking an unknown prescription medication, police said.

Bieber was given four alcohol breath tests, with the first two not usable because of insufficient volume of breath. The third test showed an alcohol reading of .014 and the fourth came up at .011. Both are under the .02 limit in Florida for a driver under the legal drinking age of 21. The limit for drivers above 21 is .08.

A later toxicology test detected marijuana and Xanax in his system, police said.

On Tuesday, Miami Beach Police released new photos of Bieber from the night he was arrested. See them here.

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