
Miami-Based Company Creates Clear Shields to Help Businesses, Offices

NBC Universal, Inc.

A Miami company created a drop-down plastic shield last month to help businesses and offices reopen safely during the global pandemic. NBC 6’s Kim Wynne reports.

It works just like a projector screen, except it’s see-through, made of vinyl, and created for protection from COVID-19.

“They’re presenting it to schools, to hospitals, to banks, anybody that has a reception area, law offices,” said Nina Vidal, sales director for Bandalux USA.

The Miami company created a drop-down plastic shield last month to help businesses and offices reopen safely during the global pandemic.

The shield can drop down from anywhere but was mainly designed for reception areas.

“You can also put them to divide the different desks between workers,” Vidal said. “You still have your open space, but you have this shield between workers.”

It’s the latest sign of the times as businesses scramble to come up with ways to reopen and maintain social distance.

Workers at Bocas Grill installed plexiglass between tables and bar seats in the restaurant.

Some Uber drivers are also using plexiglass to keep themselves and their passengers safe.

Most grocery stores, including Publix, have already installed plexiglass at check-out counters.

As for Bandalux, Vidal says they’ve already gotten lots of calls about the vinyl shield.

“Times like this make you think outside the box and see what you can come up with,” she said.

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