Miami-Dade County

Man repeatedly filmed women in Miami-Dade Goodwill changing room, claimed he was taking selfies: Police

Diego Jose Rosales-Morillo, 25, was arrested Monday on three counts of video voyeurism after the series of incidents at the Goodwill store at 9760 Southwest 8th Street, an arrest report said

A man who repeated filmed women in the changing room of a Goodwill store in Miami-Dade claimed he was taking selfies, police said.

Diego Jose Rosales-Morillo, 25, was arrested Monday on three counts of video voyeurism after the series of incidents at the Goodwill store at 9760 Southwest 8th Street, an arrest report said.

The first alleged incident happened on Aug. 22, 2023, when Rosales-Morillo walked into the store and waited for the victim to enter a changing room, the report said.

Diego Jose Rosales-Morillo
Miami-Dade Corrections
Diego Jose Rosales-Morillo

He entered an adjacent room, reached over the partition while holding his phone and recorded her changing, the report said.

The woman saw what was happening in the mirror and quickly got dressed and confronted Rosales-Morillo, who apologized and said he deleted the video, the report said.

Rosales-Morillo left the store quickly before the victim could alert staff or police.

On July 9, the store manager saw Rosales-Morillo inside the store again and recognized him from the previous incident.

The manager tracked Rosales-Morillo's activity in the store and discovered he'd reached over the changing room partition while holding his phone and recorded a female victim, the report said.

On Aug. 12, Rosales-Morillo again entered the store and the manager saw him again reach over the changing room partition with his phone and record another victim, the report said.

The incidents were recorded on the store's surveillance system, and Rosales-Morillo was later identified as the suspect, the report said.

Police met up with Rosales-Morillo, who admitted he had been in the store but denied recording anyone, claiming he was just taking selfies, the report said.

Rosales-Morillo was arrested and booked into jail.

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