Man Back in Jail for Numerous Crimes, Including Burglary and Attempted Murder

NBC Universal, Inc.

Detectives say the subject went from burglary to attempted felony murder in the span of two months.

A South Florida man who was out on probation is back in jail on new cases of burglary, grand theft and attempted murder.

Detectives say Richard Jones went from burglary to attempted felony murder in the span of two months.

In one case on July 30, Jones allegedly asked an 88-year-old woman for money for a football team and she gave him $20, detectives said. Jones then allegedly robbed her of her purse and kicked her, giving her a collapsed lung and broken ribs.

Coral Gables police detectives noticed similar crimes were also being investigated by Miami-Dade police.

Detectives say in another case Jones walked into an office building in Brickell during lunch and stole a $2,500 laptop.

Jones was appointed a lawyer from the public defender's office. He has a hold for violating his probation and is being held in jail without bond.

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