
High School in Miami-Dade Adds Cutting-Edge Tech to STEM Curriculum

The Anatomage Table also gives high school students interested in the health care field a jump-start in their careers.

A new 3D virtual anatomy dissection table called Anatomage is transforming the way students across the country learn about the human body.

A new 3D virtual anatomy dissection table called Anatomage is transforming the way students across the country learn about the human body.

Administrators at Our Lady of Lourdes Academy in South Miami believe their school is the first in Miami-Dade County to purchase this cutting-edge technology.

"It's great for our students because it gives them the opportunity to see real human anatomy and gives them the ability to test each other and test themselves on all the anatomical parts," said Our Lady of Lourdes Academy Director of STEM Education Dania Rovirosa.

The large touchscreen table has a virtual library of human bodies where students can see the different systems in the body. Teachers can also show them how to dissect every bone, muscle, and organ.

"We use the table at our Anatomy and Physiology classes, our Biology classes, and our Sports Medicine program also uses this," said Rovirosa. "It also applies to areas outside of science for example our theology classes were up here looking at the development of embryos and fetuses' to learn about the development of life."

The Anatomage Table also gives high school students interested in the health care field a jump-start in their careers.

"We can just pick to see the skeletal system or the muscular system or different organs. It's great that we can see things and not just learn it in the context of a bone, but in the whole human system," said Lourdes Academy student Kaitlyn Sloan. "It exposes me at an early age so by the time I get to medical school or even undergrad and I start seeing physical sciences, I already have an idea of what I'm learning."

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