
Jackson Memorial Healthcare Worker May Lose Hands Due to Battle with COVID

0:00 / 2:27
NBC Universal, Inc.

Rosa Felipe, a beloved healthcare worker at Jackson Memorial Hospital, is facing the possibility of losing her hands after a nearly five month long battle with the coronavirus.

Rosa Felipe, a beloved healthcare worker at Jackson Memorial Hospital, is facing the possibility of losing her hands after a nearly five month long battle with the coronavirus.

Felipe was one of the first people to be diagnosed wit the virus on March 9th. She says her work in electroencephalography at the hospital put her at great risk.

Her patients were in need of immediate brain activity tests, leaving no time to test patients. "You don’t have time to find out when you are trying to save a life,” Felipe says.

Despite underlying medical conditions, the mother of two's family says she is winning the battle with COVID, but she may lose her hands due to treatment complications.

"Jackson Health System feels a deep sense of gratitude to Rosa Felipe, and all the other frontline healthcare workers who have fallen ill while battling this unpredictable virus," a statement from the hospital said.

The question now is when will Rosa be discharged. Her family says they want her to make a full recovery before that happens.

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