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ICYMI: Insurance Companies Offering Relief, Virus Model Shows Social Distancing Helps Flatten Curve

Here are some of the top stories from the past week you may have missed from NBC 6 News

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Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez said there is a difference in the amount of coronavirus-related deaths reported by the county compared to what the state reports.

Here are some of the top stories from the past week you may have missed from NBC 6 News:

Insurance Companies Offering Relief During Pandemic

Several of the major insurance companies are stepping up to offer some much needed relief to their customers during these tough financial times.

Allstate’s CEO Tom Wilson posted a messaging saying, “because customers are driving less and having fewer accidents, we created the shelter in place payback to give our auto insurance customers more than $600 million back to help with these challenging times.”

Virus Model Shows Social Distancing Helps Flatten Curve

The number of COVID-19 deaths in the United States may reach about 81,000, a 13-percent decrease from last week's estimate from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

The main reason, the researchers say, is evidence social distancing is having a big impact.

At the state level, the institute now estimates demand in Florida for hospital resources will peak on April 21, 12 days sooner than it was predicting last week.

Florida's Estimated COVID-19 Peak Moved to April 21
The peak of coronavirus cases for Florida was moved to April 21. NBC 6's Tony Pipitone reports.

Coronavirus Concerns Lead to Custody Battle for South Florida Doctor

Dr. Theresa Greene is at the tip of the spear in the fight against COVID-19. She’s an emergency room physician, and a divorced parent who just lost shared custody of her daughter.

"I feel like the family court system now is stressing me almost more than the virus, I mean this is a very stressful time for healthcare professionals," Greene said. 

Greene tested negative for coronavirus this week. Her four-year-old daughter splits her time equally between her mom and dad, but this week, the child’s father, Eric Greene, asked for and received an emergency order demanding sole custody until the pandemic is over.

COVID-19 Leads to Custody Battle
Ari Odzer reports on an ER doctor losing custody of her children after her ex husband filed for full custody due to the pandemic.

Florida Expands Coronavirus Testing to Better Measure Spread

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday that his state would expand testing for the coronavirus to better gauge how widespread infections have become, as the disease continued to spread.

During a press conference in Jacksonville, the governor said the state will begin allowing anyone with coronavirus symptoms to get tested at three government-run sites in Jacksonville, Orlando and Miami. The governor also opened testing to anyone who may be asymptomatic but have had close contact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Testing Eligibility Expanding By Age And Including Disabled
Two days after prodding from attorneys for the disabled, Miami-Dade County announced it would test the disabled where they live, while the state announced broader criteria for testing at Hard Rock Stadium site. NBC 6's Tony Pipitone reports.

Eerie Drone Footage Shows an Empty South Florida During Coronavirus Pandemic

New drone footage paints an eerie picture of South Florida during the coronavirus pandemic. Familiar images of traffic, tourists and beachgoers have all seemingly been erased.

The coming weeks will be the toughest for the state, as cases are expected to peak and push hospitals to their limits.  

Drone Footage Shows Barren Miami Beach
Miami Beach, the island city that attracts models and celebrities to its historic Art Deco district, is seeing its picturesque beaches barren, as public health officials across the country work to contain the spread of the disease. Drone footage captured a barren Miami Beach as residents abide by stay-at-home orders.
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