South Florida

Co-Sleeping With Babies is Dangerous: Pediatricians

A day after two babies were found dead in their homes, Dr. Barbara Pena at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital says co-sleeping with newborns in the same room is actually okay, but not in the same bed.

The deaths of two infants just 24 hours apart in South Florida are putting the spotlight on parents who share a bed with a baby. It’s a practice that pediatricians say is dangerous.

Babies should sleep in the same room as their parents, but not the same bed because parents run the risk of accidentally rolling over on to the child and suffocating them, doctors say.

“Infants that sleep with their parents in the same room have a 50 percent less chance of dying from SIDS," said Dr. Barbara Pena, the Research Director of the Emergency Department at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.

SIDS -- or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome -- is the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby. To prevent SIDS and other sleep-related deaths, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents place their babies on their backs on a firm sleep surface and share a bedroom, but not the same sleeping surface. Parents should also avoid the use of soft bedding like crib bumpers, pillows and blankets.

"Put a little bit heavier pajamas on the baby so they're not cold. But, blankets can easily go on top of their face or over their nose and mouth and cause them to asphyxiate," said Dr. Pena.

Doctor Pena says swaddling is allowed during the first few weeks of life as long as it is done correctly. As for signs your baby might be in need of CPR or emergency help, doctors say pay attention to your child’s color.

“A lot of the times they say the baby turned dusky or purple or blue especially around the lips. Those are signs that there is not enough oxygen and that the baby needs to be resuscitated," said Dr. Pena.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, nearly 3,500 infants die each year from sleep-related incidents including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The group says you can help prevent tragedies by doing the following:

  • Always place your baby on his or her back for every sleep time.
  • Always use a firm sleep surface. Car seats and other sitting devices are not recommended for routine sleep.
  • The baby should sleep in the same room as the parents, but not in the same bed (room-sharing without bed-sharing).
  • Keep soft objects or loose bedding out of the crib. This includes pillows, blankets, and bumper pads.
  • Wedges and positioners should not be used.
  • Pregnant woman should receive regular prenatal care.
  • Don’t smoke during pregnancy or after birth.
  • Breastfeeding is recommended.
  • Offer a pacifier at nap time and bedtime.
  • Avoid covering the infant’s head or overheating.
  • Do not use home monitors or commercial devices marketed to reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • Infants should receive all recommended vaccinations.
  • Supervised, awake tummy time is recommended daily to facilitate development and minimize the occurrence of positional plagiocephaly (flat heads).
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