Horse Found Slaughtered in Hialeah Gardens

NBC 6’s Jamie Guirola has the details after a horse was found slaughtered in a Hialeah Gardens home Wednesday.

A seven-year-old horse was found by its owners Wednesday slaughtered with the meat inside the horse ripped out of its body.

“I don’t know, not human, who can do that to animals…I don’t know,” said the horse’s owner Rolando Serrano.

The white horse was named Puti and Serrano discovered her Wednesday afternoon in the back of the barn when he and his wife went to feed the horse in its Hialeah Gardens barn. The barn is located near the intersection of Okeechobee Road and 186th Street.

“I thought it was another animal when I saw it,” Serrano said of first seeing the horse. “When I get close, I saw it was my horse and I got nervous and my wife was crying.”

The Serrano’s said they had owned Puti for a little less than a month and never thought their time together would be so short.

“I think it’s really bad and somebody shouldn’t do that to a horse,” said Gabriel Serrano.

The family told NBC 6’s Jamie Guirola that they need help removing the dead horse. If you can help, email them at

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