Homestead Air Reserve Base a ‘War Zone' This Weekend

Military aircraft will be scrambled, sounds of bombs exploding

There will be sirens, alarms, aircraft scrambling to the skies and even what sounds like bombs exploding in the southernmost reaches of the Miami-Dade County this weekend.

But don’t worry; the county is not under attack.

It’s just an exercise.

Homestead Air Reserve Base officials said residents who live near the base should expect a variety of simulated war zone activities this weekend during an exercise to test the readiness of the base's airmen.

According to a statement released by the base, the scenes will be part of an “operational readiness exercise which is used to train troops.”

The training began at midnight and will go through Sunday.

"This is our first step for getting everyone ready for the operational readiness inspection in May," said Lt. Col. Ted Munchmeyer, in a statement. "Our airmen are motivated and prepared.”

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