Florida Kicks Off ‘Celebrate Literacy Week'

First Lady Ann Scott was at American High School on Monday to help promote the week

The pep-band and dance teams were all out. The bleachers full of the gymnasium were all full of students on Monday.

It looked like American Senior High was getting ready for the big game. In a sense, they were but the opponent was illiteracy.

In fact, this whole week in Florida it’s "Celebrate Literacy Week," and at American High First Lady Ann Scott was there to kick things off.

She says promoting literacy was something she had a passion for long before her husband took office.

She said, "It was a passion I shared with my children.”

Her message about literacy goes beyond 12th grade.

Scott said, "It is exciting for me to get our Florida students excited about reading and be lifelong readers.”

This year theme is "Reading Accelerates Success."

Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvahlo says it has to start immediately.

Carvahlo said, "The biggest advice I can give for parents who are the children’s first teachers is read early and read often.”

Here in South Florida the need for literacy is even greater as many children are the first English language speakers in their family.

American High Student Government President Yanelis Diaz says that was case in her home and her parents knew reading was important.

She said, “Soon as I started pre-K, I could say that’s when my parents realized just how important reading was for us.”

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