Cesar Berrios

Cesar Berrios, originally from Venezuela, decided to turn his life around at the age of 28.

He suffered from spondylarthritis which considerably limited joint mobility throughout his body. Desperate after not finding relief in the conventional medical field, he discovered a way out of pain by reading and researching what truly causes autoimmune diseases. That’s when he adopted a plant-based diet, and within a year, he was completely cured.

Since then, he has become certified as a personal trainer, breathing coach and plant-based nutrition expert. Cesar is part of the wellness team for Bacardi USA where he has implemented nutrition talks and has managed to include juices, shakes and plant-based options in employee meals.

Cesar completed the Plant Based Nutrition Certificate Program from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at eCornell and also received a Medicinal Plants Certificate from that same university.



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