‘A Collective Trauma': New Report Details the Effects of Stress in America in 2020

Stress has led to potentially harmful behavior changes that could thrust the U.S. into a whole new health crisis

Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images A healthcare worker wears a N95 respirator with two straps that fit around the head.

A new report from the American Psychological Association shows just how stressful life in America was in 2020.

The APA's "Stress in America" report, published Thursday, provides a stunning example of how mental health directly impacts physical health, NBC News reports. It comes exactly one year after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic.

"We've gone through a collective trauma," said Arthur C. Evans, chief executive officer and executive vice president of the APA.

The resulting stress, the report found, is showing up in drastic weight changes and increased alcohol use.

Read the full story on NBCNews.com

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