You grew up with her on Saved by the Bell; you helped form a cult around her turn in Showgirls; you welcomed her to CSI: Miami and The L Word; and you still think it was wise she riled in Rodger Dodger. Now you -- or your little sister anyway -- are going to her for advice, and she -- and her gaggle of gals -- are giving it via a peachy keen program called Ask Elizabeth. We speak, of course, of Elizabeth Berkley, who'll be swingin' through South Florida this Wednesday speaking with the legions and supporting her NY TImes bestselling book. Niteside sidled up with a few Qs of our own.
For the few folks who don't yet know, would you please tell us a bit about Ask Elizabeth? For the past five years I have been facilitating a self-esteem based workshop for teen girls called Ask Elizabeth. I have worked with over 35,000 girls at middle schools and high schools across the US sharing meaningful dialogue on all issues ranging from: body image, goal-setting, family, friendship, identity etc. This interactive group "girl talk" gives girls a space to know they are not alone and arms them with tools to take action in their lives to be their best selves.
There's now also a book -- care to fill us in? For a couple years, girls were begging me to create a book -- they wanted a peek into what other girls had to say to get more help whenever they needed it. I created this book taking 15 of the most asked question and wove it into a highly designed book sharing the stories, advice and wisdom from my own life lessons, girls across the US and a dream team of experts. It looks and feels like a well-worn group diary.
Speaking of which, on Wednesday you'll be signing copies of Ask Elizabeth at Books and Books Bal Harbour. Will you be making any other appearances will you're in South Florida? Can't wait to see everyone at the signing -- of all ages! I am also doing a few massive town hall Ask Elizabeth workshops for girls in their high schools.
Wow! How does a gal get Elizabeth Berkley to come to her school? Just go to, press the "explore the site" tab, and sign up under "contact me". That's where the requests come through and then the Ask Elizabeth team will co-ordinate. There is no fee for this work -- I do this strictly as a volunteer.
Are there plans to bring Ask Elizabeth to the small screen any time soon? Lots of amazing plans to expand to help girls everywhere--small screen is one of them--stay tuned!
Speaking of TV, aren't you also about to re-appear on CSI: Miami? My character, Julia Winston, has been tucked away getting therapy. (Haha!) More juicy-ness to come!
What else have you got coming up acting-wise? I have recently been approached about a few very exciting opportunities--stage, tv and film. Once my book tour is done, I will pick the one my heart tells me to. I also recently produced and created a couple TV shows that are being written as we speak... more on that soon!
We'll be waiting -- and watching! Awww...thank you so much! Your support means the world -- I have so many loyal fans that have even grown up with me which makes every new project special to share.
Elizabeth Berkley will be at Books and Books Bal Harbour on Wednesday April 20 at 7 p.m. For more information log on here.