
NBC 6 Exclusive: President Trump Sits With Jackie Nespral in Interview on Birthright Citizenship, Gillum, More

In part two NBC 6’s exclusive interview, President Donald Trump talks more about border security and the media on a one-on-one with anchor Jackie Nespral.

Before President Donald Trump stumped for Florida Republican candidates in a rally Wednesday in Fort Myers, he sat down with NBC 6 anchor Jackie Nespral for an exclusive interview covering everything from his statement on birthright citizenship to Democrat gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum.

Trump is attending 11 rallies across eight states over the next six days leading up to the midterm elections.

Click Here to Watch the Complete NBC 6 Interview With President Trump

On Monday morning, Trump called Gillum a "thief" in a tweet supporting Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis.

"In his tenure at Tallahassee ... it’s been horrible, one of the worst in the country," Trump told NBC 6 on Wednesday. "You look at what happened with him with the tickets, and all of the other things that go on the trips with the FBI posing as a developer ... it’s very serious stuff, and then you look at the corruption in Tallahassee, it’s terrible what’s going on."

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