If you pay attention to celebrity gossip, you are more than likely very aware that Madonna just dropped her latest album, “MDNA.” On that record is a song entitled “Girl Gone Wild.” According to E! Online, the song was change from “Girls Gone Wild” to “Girl Gone Wild” to match up with how she sings the lyrics, not because the similarly named DVD company is pursuing a lawsuit against her. This is a claim Joe Francis wasn’t willing to stand behind at this weekend’s annual Lea and Roy Black Gala at the Fontainebleau Miami.
Francis, who has made millions off his Girls Gone Wild and Guys Gone Wild DVDs, is no stranger to the courtroom. Having spent time in prison on multiple charges ranging from tax evasion to prostitution, his legal woes is actually what led him to a friendship with Real Housewives of Miami star, Lea Black.
Lucky for us, he wasn’t holding back on talking his favorite lawyer stories to how he believes is going to make millions off the pop diva.
Warning: We would call this interview a little R-rated.
Niteside: Is it true that Lea’s husband, Roy Black, got you out of jail?
Joe Francis: It’s true. Well, really, Lea did.
Really? Tell me.
Here is the story how Lea Black got me out of jail: Roy has different strategies and when it comes to my life, I am more of a micromanager. Especially when it comes to my legal affairs, even though Roy is one of the best lawyers in the world. He stopped taking my phone calls at one point, so everyday, I would talk to Lea from jail. One day Lea said, “I wont have sex with Roy till you’re out of jail.” Two weeks later, I was free.
What do you think of Real Housewives of Miami?
I love it. I will be watching season two. I am on season two! We shot some scenes last night and we will be shooting some scenes at my house in Mexico. Maybe a little in LA.
Are all your legal woes over?
Actually, yes. Other than Madonna.
I heard the case of Francis vs. Madonna is heating up.
Hey, I didn’t start that! If I came out, and went on tour with the name Madonna, she owns that. You think she would sue me? I spent over a billion dollars building the Girls Gone Wild brand and then she uses that exact name for one of her songs? I mean, come on.
Do you like the song?
I do. I am thrilled and I hope the song does well because I am getting paid. I can buy a couple of the arenas of what they are going to pay me.
On a lighter note—are you single?
I am currently single. I am not an easy guy to date, but I am not hard. I am great boyfriend. From a personal standpoint, I think I think I am easygoing guy. In a courtroom, that’s another story.