Haunted Face

Pop Life and Baker and art, oh my!

Halloween is the one day a year where normal people are allowed to pretend they are whomever they wish. Sure, some people may experiment with costumes all the time -- actors, dominatrix or strippers -- but everyone else only gets this one day. That means we need to use the time wisely and creatively.

Luckily there is an event tonight where you can be have your own creative moment and be part of someone else’s as well.

Neck Face is probably a disembodied name you’re familiar with if you’ve spent much time in New York or outside Miami. His graffiti marks the Big Apple and other metropolises with tags of his name alone or of spooky creatures, all hatched from his brain, the place located above the neck and behind the face. This Halloween, Our House West of Wynwood, or O.H.W.O.W., is hosting the artist’s first solo exhibition in MIA, holiday appropriately called Devil’s Disciple.

Though his art work will be displayed, this won’t be like any regular old art show. Neckface has taken the O.H.W.O.W. space and transformed it into his very own haunted house. The madhouse will require parental advisory, there will be props and supposedly nightmarish paraphernalia, so leave the kids home. Other than the fear inducing activities and the art, there’ll be a skate demo by Baker and Deathwish Team, on a custom built ramp onsite.

The opening reception and haunted house begin at 8 p.m. and end at midnight. There’s an after party with Poplife at the Electric Pickle. Busy P with Ed Banger Records will be spinning, as will Simon Curtis and there will be a live performance by The Goat.

Happy haunting!

Read more of Liz Tracy's Miami missives on her blog, Miami, bro.

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