SLUM DOG CHIC: To give you a little language lesson today, the word "favela" means slum in Portuguese. So when you hear a night at a club is called Favela Chic, you think hobos in bow-ties, right? Well, quite the opposite. The party that used to take place at Mokai has now moved their Tuesday night party to Coco De Ville inside the lobby of the Gansevoort South Beach. Even better news is that tonight there is no cover to get in. Be sure to look your best though, because the doormen around these parts don't play around. 11 P.M.
THE NEW KID: Seems like there's a new nightspot opening up in this city every other week. Say hello to Bar 721. Our new favorite hole it the wall isn't your typical South Beach bar, though. They pride themselves on being your new favorite neighborhood spot and promise never to be anything else. Their grand opening party this evening will be hosted by The Beach Channel and they are bringing free cocktails with them from 8 to 10 P.M. Let us just say, welcome to the neighborhood! 8 P.M.
OPEN SESAME: When you think of Gulfstream Park, we can imagine there are a few things that come to mind. Their classy take on gambling, bingo Tuesdays, horse races and $1 beers are just a few. What many of you might not know is that their new Village is making Gulfstream better than ever. With shopping and eating for days, it is guaranteed to keep anyone entertained. The newest kid on the block is Catina Laredo and they are bringing a great Mexican flavor to The Village family. Opening today, their authentic Mexican dishes are out of this world and not too pricey, either. Specials running from 11 A.M. to 10 P.M.