Dr. Ian Kupkee

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  • Pets Jun 18, 2022

    Pets And Palms: What Pet Parents Need To Know

    While many household and ornamental plants can be toxic to dogs and cats, a specimen of note for South Florida pet parents is the sago palm.  Also known as cycads or zamias, these types of palms are popular landscaping choices in warmer parts of the country. Miniature versions in decorative pots are marketed as houseplants; despite their diminutive size,...

  • Common toad sitting in lawn grass in the sunshine
    May 15, 2022

    Toxic Toad Troubles: How to Protect Your Pets From Potential Danger

    Sunday, May 15 marks the official beginning of South Florida’s rainy season. For pet parents, this means an increased chance of our pets being sickened by toxic bufo toads. Here’s everything you need to know to keep your pets out of harm’s way. Bufo toads, also known as marine toads or cane toads or more scientifically, Rhinella marina, were introduced...

  • Pets Jan 22, 2022

    A Guide to Sensible Snacking For Pets

    Dr. Ian Kupkee, the lead practitioner at Sabal Chase Animal Clinic, shares tips for feeding your pets sensible snacks.

  • Dec 18, 2021

    Protecting Your Pets From Holiday Hazards

    The holiday season is here, and celebrations are in full swing. But few things put a damper on the festive spirit like a trip to the emergency veterinary clinic. Here are some tips for avoiding Christmas catastrophes.

  • Jul 4, 2021

    Pets And Fireworks – What You Need To Know To Keep Your Pets Safe

    Last year, stay-at-home orders caused many South Floridians to miss out on the usual Fourth of July festivities – including fireworks. For the many puppies and kittens who were added to our families during the worst of the crisis, this may be their first experience with fireworks. These experiences are often frightening, and sometimes traumatic. Animal shelters across the country…

  • Clear the Shelters May 22, 2021

    Is Veterinary Acupuncture Right for Your Pet? Here's what you need to know.

    As our country slowly returns to normal, Americans continue to add pets to their households. And as the status of pets continues to rise from that of animals to family members, demand has grown for modern, state of the art diagnostics and veterinary care. In some cases, however, pet parents are turning to a modality that has been used to…

  • Pets Apr 11, 2021

    How to Help Your Pets Cope With Seasonal Allergies in South Florida

    While most people don’t associate South Florida with seasons, there is one in particular that is currently plaguing both pets and people – allergy season.  Longer days cause our plants and trees to burst into bloom.  While it’s great for the environment and its wild inhabitants, the resulting pollen can wreak havoc on pets  – even the ones who...

  • Mar 13, 2021

    The Raw Emotions Over Raw Pet Food

    Several weeks ago, I listened as one of our front desk team members booked an appointment with a new client. As the call was wrapping up, the client had one more thing to add. “Make sure the doctor knows I intend to feed my puppy a raw diet. If he’s got a problem with that, or if he gives...

  • Jan 17, 2021

    Pets and New Year's Fitness Goals: Making Your Pet Your Exercise Buddy

    For many of us in South Florida, the new year brings both cooler temperatures, and a slew of New Year’s fitness goals. This year especially, many of us are feeling the added pressure to shed the so-called “quarantine fifteen”. If improved health and fitness are part of your New Year’s resolutions, your pet can act as a powerful motivator...

  • Dec 20, 2020

    Pandemic Puppies For Christmas? Not So Fast: Things to Consider Before Gifting a Pet

    2020 has already been a record year for pet adoptions and purchases. Working from home, remote learning and stay-at-home orders combined to create a phenomenon many animal care professionals have dubbed the 2020 “puppy boom.” With Christmas right around the corner, many parents might be considering a Christmas puppy as a last minute surprise for the kids. As the pandemic…

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