What do you get when you mix over-priced, barely recognizable art pieces with ladybugs?
A police investigation.
Nevermind graffiti artists and art thieves, Miami police are on the hunt for the person who released thousands of ladybugs in a VIP lounge at the Art Basel grand opening.
The little, harmless flying bugs were everywhere when visitors entered the Miami Beach Convention Center to attend the world-renowned art festival.
Police said they found several bags in the men's bathroom and believe that's where the ladybugs were likely hidden and then released. Yet no one noticed the bug bandit come or go.
Maybe people were too blinded or dizzy from the bright color combinations and eccentric art pieces to notice someone carrying buzzing bags into the convention center.
Police haven't ruled out that the stunt could have been a part of some live art piece by a budding artist looking to express themselves.