The Florida Marlins' Logan Morrison owns one of the most colorful Twitter feeds in all of Major League Baseball (sample tweet: "In honor of Memorial Day, I will be going "Commando" for the rest of the day! Come on out to Bank One for tonight's action!"), but Marlins management is not quite as enthusiastic about their leftfielder's social media habits.
Team President David Samson said earlier this week he worries a Twitter mishap could hurt Morrison's reputation.
"I'm not a dinosaur," Samson said earlier this week. "But I'm not thrilled. It's very scary to me. I've told Logan, 'People are waiting for you to make a mistake. They're going to bait you on Twitter to say something inappropriate that you can never take back.'"
Morrison has over 26,000 followers, which is astonishing for a member of the Marlins. Samson was last seen defending the Marlins' use of public stadium financing despite making $40 million in profits recently by replying "a contract is a contract.”
Who should be giving whom media advice, exactly?
At least Morrison seems to have a grip on the risks of tweeting. "It's amazing how many people take you seriously," he said. Unfortunately, he followed up that statement with, "I don't take it seriously at all," which surely will keep Samson on pins and needles.
In the end, the Marlins know they can't really stop Morrison from tweeting, so long as he understands the risks. "It takes an entire career to build a reputation, and one tweet to lose it. As long as he understands that, it's fine."
But if Morrison gets out of line, there is one way Samson could keep a lid on his tweets.
"I've told Logan no one will care about his tweets if they're coming from [the Marlins' Triple-A affiliate in] New Orleans."
David Hill is a Miami native and the cofounder of Marlins Diehards, the only blog with perspective on the eccentricities of Marlins fandom.