We call it the General Larry Platt bill. Florida legislators are dubbing it droopy drawers legislation.
Either way, the fashion police could be coming to a classroom near you to hand out suspension slips to students who show a little too much of their underwear in school.
A proposed law against saggy pants in school is breezing through the Senate right now and has a good shot at being adopted, as any bill with its own catchy theme song should.
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Gary Siplin, would require school districts to ban saggy pants as part of a new dress code adopted statewide. In Miami-Dade, that could mean every students' wardrobe would have to be revamped or even more drastically, parents would have to add belts to the school shopping list.
Penalties for any student caught with their pants on the ground range for a meeting with the principal to three days of internal suspension and a ban on participation in extra curricular activities.
There goes the debate team.
The bill has been pushed the past three years but never quite had enough support to be signed into law.
But then again, Larry Platt hadn't hit the scene yet.