Fort Lauderdale

WATCH: Woman Who Flashed Judge Flashes Again While Leaving Broward Jail

A woman who caused quite a scene in a Broward courtroom this week when she flashed the judge, was at it again on Friday.

A woman who caused quite a scene in a Broward courtroom Thursday when she flashed the judge was at it again as she left the county jail Friday morning, flashing the cameras and even flipping the bird.

Susan Surrette, 54, of Fort Lauderdale was arrested Wednesday for disorderly intoxication. At her bond court appearance, Surrette explained to Judge John Hurley that she works as a hairstylist, an escort and as a porn star named Kayla Kupcakes.

Surrette claimed to have been roughhoused, first by a bodyguard at a club, and then by police. As she explained her story, Surrette lifted her shirt and flashed the judge in an attempt to show her alleged injuries.

"I've been beaten on by police," Surrette told the judge. "And also, this too," as she lifted her top.

Hurley remained cool and collected, while the courtroom let out a collective gasp.

"Okay, well I guess that kind of sums everything up," said Hurley as Surrette was escorted from the courtroom.

Surrette was released Friday morning on $100 bond. The judge also ordered her to undergo a mental health evaluation. No information for an attorney was immediately available.

Addressing news cameras Friday morning, Surrette told reporters that she "had a lot to say" and that she planned to go to internal affairs over her ordeal.

She reasserted her claims that she had been assaulted by the bouncer and by police once again by flashing the camera.

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