South Florida Officers Hold Memorial Bike Ride


Five days and 270 miles is the challenge for Detective Craig Catlin, a lieutenant for North Miami Beach police who also directs the Florida Tour De Force.

The Tour De Force is a bicycle ride from Sunny Isles to Jacksonville that draws hundreds of officers from across the Sunshine State and kicked off Monday.

Cyclists can ride some of the way or part of the way. The point is to raise money for families of fallen officers.

This year, the money will go to relatives of four men who died in the line of duty last year including Deputy Daniel Rivera of Broward County, a 32-year-old who died after a car crash in Pompano Beach.

"I have three kids," said Detective Catlin Monday. "What if I'm shot and killed this Saturday while I'm working and I leave my three kids behind?"

Catlin said the Florida Tour De Force rides have raised about $150,000 in the last three years. He's aiming for another $50,000 this year. "Our time is donated, no one's taking salaries," he explained.

"If you're donating to the Tour De Force, that money is going straight to the families," Catlin said.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement officer Dominic Angiolillo is riding for the first time. He feels a brotherhood bond.

"We are united as police officers, we look out for one another, we feel for one another, we try to take care of each other's families when one of us goes down," he said.

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