SeaWorld Releases 3 Rehabilitated Turtles

Two Kemps Ridley turtles and one loggerhead turtle were released into the ocean after being rehabilitated at SeaWorld Orlando.


Three sea turtles were released into the wild after several months of rehabilitation at SeaWorld in Orlando.

Two Kemps Ridley turtles and one loggerhead turtle were sent off Tuesday by SeaWorld's Animal Rescue team at the Canaveral National Seashore in Titusville, Florida.

The two Kemps Ridley turtles were rescued in December off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and treated for cold stress. The loggerhead was rescued in February after it was found floating and emaciated in the Port Canaveral Channel.

The turtles were medically cleared for return to the ocean by SeaWorld staff.

The three turtles are among 39 that SeaWorld has rescued this year. So far, 31 of those have been rehabilitated and returned.

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