R.I.P., Robo Croc

After extensive surgery to repair a busted jaw, Robo Croc has died

Robocroc, the American crocodile who was run over by a car and had to have extensive surgery to re-build his jaw, has died.

Miami Metrozoo is currently conducting a necropsy to find out the cause of death.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife found the big guy (over 10 feet long, 250 pounds) in the Keys, where its head had been run over by a car. His skull and mouth were crushed, which prevented him from being able to eat.

He was taken to the zoo, where he spent four hours in surgery, during which four steel plates and 41 screws were fastened to his skull. Since crocs have nothing between their skin and jawbone, the plates had to be placed on the outside of his mouth, which earned him the nickname Robo Croc.

Zoo communications manager Ron Magill had said, at the time of the surgery, that it was a miracle the croc had made it that far.


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