A woman pulled over for speeding in a school zone in Palm Beach County told the deputy “no wonder you people get shot” in an incident recorded by dashcam video.
A woman pulled over for going 51 in a 20 mph school zone in Palm Beach County told the deputy "no wonder you people get shot" in an incident recorded by the deputy's dashcam video.
The traffic stop was made back on Sept. 1 near Hagen Ranch Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard in the area of Hagen Ranch Elementary, WPTV reported.
The video, which was posted by the Sheriff's Office to YouTube, shows the deputy pulling the speeding car over. He then writes up a $606 ticket and approaches the car to hand it to the woman.
"You are being cited for speeding, this explains what your options are," the deputy says. "Drive safe."
"You know what, no wonder you people get shot, you're absolute a--holes," the woman responds.
"Okay, thank you ma'am, I appreciate that," the deputy says.
"You're welcome, have a nice day," the woman says, as the deputy returns to his car.
Keeping kids safe is a top priority. WATCH the reaction when we cited this woman going 51 MPH in a School Zone. https://t.co/8usZfu8lrS — PBSO (@PBCountySheriff) September 9, 2015