A Good Friday rally and a call to action for a community continually plagued by violence was held in Liberty City. NBC 6’s Jamie Guirola reports.
A group of individuals held a rally on Friday to help bring Liberty City a step closer to peace.
"We're marching on this Good Friday because God has called us on this particular day to make a difference in our community," said Charles Jackson, the march organizer.
Wearing black, people took to the streets, with a casket in tow-- to deliver a 7 mile message. They carried signs that read "Don't Shoot, Pray" and "Only God Should take Life."
"If the people....don't wake up...then we are just as guilty as those who pull the trigger," Jackson said.
The people participating-- are also personally affected. Including Latrice Anderson. Her mother, the latest victim of random gun violence.
"Everyday is harder without my mom. Like you said I just never felt in a million years I would be here either but I'm here to support whatever it is that needs to be changed," Anderson said.
On Monday, 62-year-old Linda Grant, a mother of six was gunned down, two others were shot in the same incident. Grant is the fourth woman to die in a drive-by, multiple shooting since March 20.
"We cannot continue to let innocent children, women, young men to be gunned down, AK-47's and even unborn children," Jackson said.
Nearly 30 people participated in the march and passed out 500 bibles.