Retired Firefighter Shoots Up AT&T Utility Trucks Outside Hialeah Home: Police

"He just lost his mind for a moment," a Hialeah police detective said

A former Miami-Dade firefighter was arrested after he shot at two AT&T utility trucks while two workers were wiring cables outside his home in Hialeah Wednesday, police said.

Cellphone video filmed by one of the workers shows a gunman walking toward the trucks and firing several shots, blowing out the trucks' tires. The suspect, identified as Jorge Jove, reloaded his weapon several times, police said. Moments later, officers arrived at the home off Southeast 5th Place and 6th Avenue near Okeechobee Road and took Jove into custody.

The incident happened around 11:30 a.m. as the two AT&T workers changed fiber cables in the neighborhood. Hialeah Det. Carl Zogby said the 64-year-old gunman was upset the utility trucks were parked in front of his driveway. 

Cellphone video shows a man shooting up two AT&T utility trucks outside a home in Hialeah.

One of the workers was still hoisted aloft in the bucket truck as Jove fired the shots, video showed. 

The two men were not injured in the shooting. 

"Thank God my son is OK," said Olga Ramos, mother of one of the workers. "They weren't doing anything wrong. They were just doing their job."

Jove was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a firearm and felony vandalism. He was booked into jail Wednesday evening and released early Thursday after posting $30,000 bond. He said nothing to reporters as he walked out.

According to an arrest report, Jove told detectives he went "bananas" and shot at the tires and trucks to stop them from leaving.

"He just lost his mind for a moment. We don't know what the deal is with him," said Hialeah Police Detective Carl Zogby. "Now, as part of the investigation, we're going to find out if he's got any history what his problem is. But this was totally uncalled for." 

Jove is a retired Miami-Dade firefighter, who worked with the department for 34 years. 

Photos from the scene revealed bullet holes in the utility truck.  AT&T released a statement regarding the incident: 

"We're grateful nobody was hurt, and we're working with law enforcement in their investigation."

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