Florida Highway Patrol Sergeant Demoted to Trooper and Given Pay Cut After Sexual Relationship With Subordinate: Authorities

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A woman who had sex with a Florida Highway Patrol subordinate has been demoted from sergeant to trooper and had her pay slashed, the agency said. NBC 6’s Willard Shepard has the story.

A woman who had sex with a Florida Highway Patrol subordinate has been demoted from sergeant to trooper and had her pay slashed, the agency said.

Angel F. Rogers is no longer a supervisor with the FHP. In an interview with FHP Capt. Harold Schweinsberg obtained by NBC 6, the investigator asked if she had a sexual relationship with Trooper Donche Robinson.

“Yes,” Rogers said.

Schweinsberg asked where they met for sex.

“Somewhere along State Road 7 which is 441,” she said.

Florida Highway Patrol Sergeant Had Sexual Relationship With Subordinate, Who Showed Sex Video to Fellow Trooper: Authorities

That admission is sending shockwaves across the very visible Florida Highway Patrol.
Documents indicate the top man at Troop E, which covers Miami-Dade County, had another trooper voice a concern that ”this will blow up into someone getting hurt or killed.” The commander also indicated he has been told that “Rogers has had relationships with a number of members of the troop and this has been going on for years.”

Robinson, when questioned, told an inspector that he even made a video of one of the encounters with his boss.

In the video, “She was performing oral sex on me – Sgt. Rogers,” Robinson told Maurice Hensley of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles’ Office of Inspector General.

FHP documents exclusively obtained by NBC 6 detailed a yearlong relationship between Rogers and Robinson that started in mid-2012 – and the widespread impact the sex had at FHP, including on troopers working crash sites. One trooper, Pamela F. Cleare, said she was on an accident scene in North Miami-Dade when the video was shown to her.

“I was at work. I was on duty,” she said.

Inspector Hensley asked Cleare if Rogers and Robinson were depicted on the video.

“Somebody had on a uniform. I don’t recall who had on the uniform,” Cleare replied. “Somebody had on a uniform.”

FHP investigators said Rogers and Robinson also broke regulations by using computers in their units to set up meetings for the sexual encounters. The pair denies ever meeting for sex while on the job, in uniform, or in their patrol units.

But Rogers’ 10 emails expressing affection with another trooper under her command – Anorce Narcisse – also caught the eye of the inspector general’s office. In one from April 18, 2013, Rogers and Narcisse flirt about hugs and kisses.

The communications also raised the eyebrows of Narcisse’s wife – Keosha Maddox – who is an FHP trooper as well.

“They were texting and flirting with each other,” Maddox told Hensley.

She added of Rogers, “She attempted to have sex with him. He stated that he told her no several times.”

Maddox confronted Rogers.

“I asked her to explain why she would try to have a relationship with my husband. She couldn’t explain that,” Maddox said.

Trooper Cleare told investigators the circumstances had Trooper Robinson complaining he was left off coveted duties.

“He felt he was being mistreated. I guess after their encounter,” Cleare said.

Law enforcement expert Brian Fonseca says the alleged behavior cannot be tolerated

“When you take orders from your supervisor and you’ve lost or eroded that level of respect you have for your supervisors, you become less effective,” said Fonseca, who is a professor at Florida International University.

The FHP did not confirm that any actual sex between Rogers and Narcisse took place. He was given counseling.

Robinson was given a letter of reprimand, and the former Sgt. Rogers was transferred, forced to take a pay cut and told her actions tarnished the FHP mission.

None of the troopers responded to NBC 6’s request for comment. The FHP said it would let its punishment speak for where it stands on such behavior.

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