Face-Chewing Attacker Had No Flesh in Stomach: Report

Autopsy shows unidentified pills in Rudy Eugene's stomach, according to reports

The man who mauled off a homeless man’s face over Memorial Day weekend apparently had no human flesh in his stomach, a report shows.

Law-enforcement sources told the Miami Herald an autopsy revealed 31-year-old Rudy Eugene had undigested pills in his stomach but no human flesh. The pills have not yet been identified.

Eugene was fatally shot by an officer after he refused to stop chewing on Ronald Poppo’s face along the MacArthur Causeway.

Though officials have speculated bath salts may have sparked Eugene's wild behavior, it remains unknown what prompted the attack.

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Officials told the Herald a preliminary review found marijuana in Eugene's system. Those who knew Eugene said he was known to smoke marijuana but the drug is not known to cause violent spurts.

A source also told the newspaper Eugene did not have his two front teeth but that chunks of flesh were found between his teeth. The source also said pieces of flesh were found on the floor of the scene.

Officials said the autopsy report would not be released to the public until the investigation into the shooting concludes - a process that could take more than a year.

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Poppo, meanwhile, continues in critical condition in the hospital.

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