Davie Man Accused of Torching Ex-Girlfriend's Car: Cops

Israel Guadalupe, 47, faces charges of child abuse and second-degree arson.

A Davie man was accused of bringing his son along to set his ex-girlfriend's car ablaze and then failing to get the boy medical help when he burned himself during the incident, police said.

Israel Guadalupe, 47, faces charges of child abuse and second-degree arson.

He was being held on $75,000 bond, onling jail records show.

Authorities said he set a 2011 Ford Fusion ablaze on Tuesday around 1 a.m. in Davie. The vehicle belonged to a woman who had broken up with him by text message, Davie Police said.

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A camera caught a small late model car driving.

The South Florida Sun Sentinel reported that a neighbor picked Guadalupe out of a photo line up as the man who walked away from the fire, police said.

Witnesses had told police that they saw a four-door white Chrysler drive by and had seen two men running for the car, authorities said.

Police went to Guadalupe's house and his 14-year-old son told them they both went to the woman's house on Tuesday night and that Guadalupe used a lighter and accelerant, which caused the loud explosion. The teen burned his shin in the process and his father never got him medical attention, police said.

The boy asked police for bandages.

The newspaper reports that Guadalupe was found several blocks away from his home after he left through a window.

It wasn't known if he had an attorney.

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