Cold-Stressed Sea Turtles Flown to Florida for Rehabilitation

The turtles will be returned to their natural habitat when ocean temperatures are warmer.

More cold-stressed sea turtles have been flown from New England to recover in balmy Florida.

SeaWorld officials say four loggerhead sea turtles arrived Sunday in Orlando aboard a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration aircraft.

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The turtles were originally rescued from the waters off Massachusetts by the New England Aquarium. Record numbers of hypothermic sea turtles have been rescued from the frigid waters off Cape Cod in the last few weeks.

Experts say an unseasonably warm November delayed the turtles' migration to warmer waters. The turtles got stranded when the temperatures in Cape Cod Bay dropped quickly.

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Dozens of rescued sea turtles have been flown to SeaWorld and other wildlife rehabilitation facilities in Florida. The turtles will be returned to their natural habitat when ocean temperatures are warmer.

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