Bacterial Meningitis Case Reported at Miramar's Fairway Elementary School

A letter was sent to parents Tuesday

A case of bacterial meningitis has been reported at Fairway Elementary School in Miramar, the Broward County school district said Wednesday.

Officials released late Wednesday afternoon the letter that Principal Michelle Engram-McKnight sent to parents on Tuesday informing them of the news.

The disease, which has an incubation period of two to 10 days, is transmitted by the spread of droplets or through director contact with the nasal or throat secretions of infected persons, the principal wrote.

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“The major signs of meningitis are high fever, chills, tired, intense headaches, nausea, vomiting, stiffness in the neck and spine and a rash,” Engram-McKnight wrote.

She urged parents whose children show any of the symptoms to take them to a health care provider right away.

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Any student who shows the signs and symptoms will be kept out of school – and students must get a note from a health care provider saying they’re no longer contagious to return to school, the principal wrote.

Parents should direct any questions to Health Education Services at 754-321-2272.

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