Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates Could be Headed to Miami Beach

Chief Dan Oates has been named the finalist to take over the Miami Beach Police Department.

The man who led police officers through a 2012 theater massacre in Aurora, Colo. could be heading to Miami Beach to lead a new team.

Chief Dan Oates has been named the finalist to take over the Miami Beach Police Department.

Oates will still need to be confirmed by a vote from the Miami Beach City Commission, which is expected to happen next week.

"I'm very excited that this kind of national talent, as he is seen in the country, would be interested in coming to South Florida," said Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy Morales.

Miami Beach May Have New Police Chief

Oates, a former Eagle Scout and newspaper reporter, joined the New York City Police Department in 1980 where he worked for 21 years. He became head of the intelligence division, picking up a law degree along the way. He was named chief of the Ann Arbor, Mich. Polce Department in 2001, then Aurora chief in 2005.

In Aurora, Oates oversees 670 officers and 794 employees and a total budget of $94 million. Chief Oates was in charge of Aurora Police during the theater massacre when James Holmes opened fire during a late night showing of "The Dark Knight Rises."

"We believe that a culture of excellence should be in every department head and Police Chief Dan Oates exemplifies that," Mayor Philip Levine said. "We are looking to hire only the best and the brightest, and Miami Beach's finest is our Miami Beach Police force. They deserve nothing less than what the nation has to offer."

Current Police Chief Raymond Martinez announced his retirement last month.

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