Ricky Williams Invites You to Meditate With Him

Dolphins running back shows how he sheds stress and stays focused

Every Wednesday, in a small, dark classroom on the campus of Nova Southeastern University, the most recognizable Miami Dolphin leads a class on meditation.

Ricky Williams says for him, meditation is like food. He needs it every day. Every morning and before every game. And now he's sharing his stress relieving philosophy with South Florida.

"This is my passion," said Williams. "I think a lot of people are so used to being stressed, they don't realize they're stressed. And I was one of those people."

The class is held every Wednesday at 5 p.m. in room 2065 of the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business building. And it's open to the public, so instead of watching the Dolphins running back score touchdowns, people get to see a different side of Ricky.

Ricky Williams Meditates

"When I see people, fans or whatever and they look up to me, my thing is to pull them up and realize that really we're just the same," Williams said. "My experiences are just on a larger scale and we can learn a lot from each other."

Before and after a 23-minute meditation, Williams leads exercises, but not the kind you see at football practice. In fact, seeing Williams in this setting is entirely different from what you'd expect from a "typical" football player.

But we all know Ricky is his own man. However, just like many of his first-time students, even he wasn't so sure about meditation at first.

"My first time doing yoga and meditating I had the same preconceived notions," Williams said. "Luckily, I was receptive enough to be open-minded.

"To me, the best thing is when people come in and they have a good experience."

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