The scream sounds like something from a classic horror movie like "The Blob."but the line may be all too real for Florida residents.
"Mommy, get it off!" yells a little girl who has had her first encounter with the ooze formerly known as BP oil. "Get the oil off!"
The helpless mom can only watch as the mindless sludge spreads over her child's body and takes over her brain.
OK, that's not really what happens, but a YouTube video of footage at a Destin Beach on June 23 does reveal many parents' worst nightmare and possibly what South Florida has to look forward to.
It's one thing for tar balls and oil to cover pelicans and sea turtles, but when it starts coating children, something drastic has to be done.
The video has all the ingredients for a Stephen King classic: an alien slime, a cute little white girl, and an Internet camera.
The scariest part occurs at the 2:20 mark, when the little girl's foot becomes covered in oil.
With millions of gallons of crude oil still gushing from the Deepwater Horizon well, there is no guarantee local beach waters won't become oil infested like coastal cities in the northern part of the state.
On Destin Beach, the video shows clumps of oil three and four inches long lining the beach as kids and families try to enjoy the sand. One would have to question why a parent would allow their child to jump in the water with so many apparent signs that the oil had invaded the beach, but that's another issue entirely (see Parenting 101).
But for now, the invasion of the BP oil is very real and YouTube is giving us a glimpse into our future.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.