How do you replace a diva with flowing blonde hair and the perfect skin tone? With a controversial beauty queen, of course.
With Governor Charlie Crist destined to take his divalicious act to D.C., the state GOP is turning to 2009 Miss USA finalist and infamous anti-gay marriage advocate Carrie Prejean to lead the Republican Party's youth movement, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
Prejean, the 22-year-old who had her Miss California USA crown removed by "the Donald" earlier this year, will be making an appearance next month in Kissimmee to boost a Republican registration drive. (If you're reading Perez Hilton, you're not invited.)
Now before you run off to debate which of the two stylish leaders has the best hair or the better tan (we still take Crist), think of the possibilities for 2012 if this works.
State Republican Party leaders feel it was President Obama's appeal with the 18 to 35 crowd that gave him the boost he needed to win the election. Not that Senator John "The Maverick fossil" McCain couldn't connect with the youth, but his constant "juke box" and "back in my day we didn't have cars, we had to walk to school in the snow" references didn't exactly inspire young voters to run to the ballot box.
Enter the cure: a hot California girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind.
Not everyone thinks turning to a hottie with a knack for controversy is a good thing.
"It doesn't seem like the smart thing to do. She's in the right age bracket, certainly, but they're going to turn off some of the young people who are moderates," said 69-year-old Sandy Steen, who is on the GOP's Broward committee.
But for now, enjoy the thought of having a talking tiara parading around the state pushing the Republican message. Wait, we have that already.