Crusaders Don Spandex in the Name of Healthcare

The Community Avengers challenge "the villains of bad government" in two places today

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Healthcare Man!

Forget hand-made signs, one group of Miami residents is pulling on the Spandex in the name of universal health care.

Dressed in superhero costumes, the Community Avengers (or Justicieros Comunitarios), as they call themselves, will be in two places - not at once (they're not that good) - today to challenge, according to their press release, "the villains of bad government and greedy insurance companies."

The CA consists of members of the Miami Workers Center, LIFFT (Low-Income Families Fighting Together, Miami in Action and other concerned citizens.

First on the list, the Stephen P. Clarke Center Plaza for the county budget hearing, where they'll "denounce the proposed budget cuts."

Next, onto Miami-Dade College's North Campus, where congressman Kendrick Meek will be hosting a town hall on healthcare reform. 

"Our elected officials have spent years favoring big business and passing policies that hurt people," said Wilfredo Mendoza, member of the Community Avengers. "Our communities are top priority. We must stand up for a fair Miami."

Stand up? We were hoping for leaping tall buildings.


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