“OMG, have you see how big Becky’s butt’s gotten? And we think Patty has the postman ringing twice at her house.”
Now you can turn your tacky conversations in your Ikea-adorned living room into a work of art.
L.A.-based artist Fritz Haeg is looking for a few Miamians to participate in the MOCA exhibition "Convention" from May 21 through September 13. And all you have to do is fork over your living room and whatever it is that goes on there.
Just send a picture of your living room and why you think you’d be a good fit for the exhibit to studio@fritzhaeg.com. The artist himself will be in town April 21 to meet candidates and make his selection.
If he picks you, you’ll select a group of your gabby friends and set up a series of chats ranging on whatever topics you like. The conversations, shows, piano recitals, whatever goes down in your house, will be filmed, photographed and put on display for all the world to see. Then your living room will be transported to MOCA galleries and museum visitors will do what you do in your space.
Worried about having an empty room at your house all summer? Don’t. Haeg will design a simple setup for you to lounge on while your stuff is off getting famous.
The exhibit coincides with Haeg’s book, “The Sundown Salon Unfolding Archive,” featuring 400 pages dedicated to salon events Haeg hosted in his own home from 2001 through 2006.
That’s five years of living room fun. All you have to sacrifice is four months. What are you waiting for? Your Ikea couch is destined for stardom.